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Month: January 2014

Pedestrian Accidents Are Growing At An Alarming Rate

The lawyers at Block O'Toole & Murphy have been saying it for some time now: Something has to change with the way we are seeking to prevent and prosecute pedestrian accidents. Why? Nearly 400 pedestrians lost their lives since 2012 in New York City. Think about...

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Stop Blaming Walkers for Pedestrian Accidents

This past weekend was particularly violent, not because of criminal activity but because of three fatal pedestrian accidents and one bicycle crash on New York City streets. And there were elements of the surreal as well, as police bloodied an 84-year-old man on the...

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Workplace Explosions in Midwest. Can They Happen Here?

New York City workers may believe that explosions like those that occurred in Omaha and in Oklahoma could not happen in NYC. However, they are wrong. New York has many manufacturing facilities where dangerous chemicals and improper maintenance could result in...

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Truck Accident Kills Driver in the Bronx

A cement truck driver was killed when his vehicle slammed into a three-story apartment building in the Bronx on Monday. Four others were injured in the accident, which occurred at 6:21 PM at 1970 Cedar Avenue in University Heights. Two of the injured were listed in...

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Workplace Safety: What To Expect From OSHA In 2014

The New York lawyers at Block O'Toole & Murphy strive to bring you the latest developments in workplace safety. Frequently, that requires us to stay on top of what is happening at The Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Read below for what you need to...

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Good News for Workers: Fewer Workplace Accident in 2012

Last November, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released its annual report on non-fatal workplace accidents, injuries and illnesses for 2013. There are some interesting findings that could carry over into the numbers fir 2013. A summary of the findings follows....

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Two Fatal Pedestrian Accidents on Upper West Side

Two fatal pedestrian accidents on New York City's Upper West Side - just a block and 30 minutes from each other - left a young boy and an elderly man dead on Friday evening. One was caused by an apparently distracted taxi driver, another by a tour bus. The first...

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