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Traffic Safety Measures Proposed by New York Daily News’ Traffic Safety Experts

Thursday, January 23rd, 2014

As the ghastly statistics continue to surface, New Yorkers are becoming more and more aware of the traffic crash epidemic that our city is experiencing. The number of serious accidents is soaring and the frequency of traffic fatalities has dramatically increased. The attorneys at Block O’Toole & Murphy have been airing their concerns about this growing problem for quite some time now. Often we are consulted about the astounding number of serious traffic accidents in New York City involving innocent pedestrians. Why? It may have something to do with some of the firm’s significant results on behalf of pedestrian victims. For instance, a $32,756,156 verdict, a $12,000,000 settlement and a $8,800,000 settlement all on behalf of pedestrians that were victims in traffic crashes.

New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio has made improving traffic safety a cornerstone of his first term as mayor. He has convened a group of experts, including the commissioners of high-profile agencies like the New York City Police Department, The Taxi and Limousine Commission and The Department of Transportation to remedy the problem. New York City Police Commissioner William Bratton has a history of successfully combating traffic fatalities and is expected to re-install a program that he utilized in his prior tenure as police commissioner that was similar to the famed crime busting initiative called “Compstat.” Bratton’s steely focus and steady hand can only help.

Now, to their credit, well regarded traffic safety engineers and New York Daily News columnists Sam “Gridlock Sam” Schwartz and Richard Retting have chimed in with some very creative suggestions. In the link below, their column recommends, among other things:

  • Forensic engineering investigation of all fatal and severe traffic crashes by a traffic engineer
  • Installing more pedestrian refuge islands
  • Improving roadway lighting
  • Expansion of red light camera program

They make a compelling case for how each of these suggestions will improve safety and the quality of life for all New Yorkers. Each component of their plan focuses on either prevention, improved investigation or accountability. Of course, there is also mention of some obvious issues like distracted driving and an increased vigilance towards driving while texting. While there has been a strong reduction in the crashes associated with driving while intoxicated, it remains a very vital safety concern. Schwartz and Retting point this out as well.

The trial lawyers at Block O’Toole & Murphy recommend you read this important article. If even some of the suggestions outlined by these safety experts are adopted by the new mayor New York City will be a safer place.

Block O’Toole & Murphy is a law firm that is known for fighting on behalf of the underdog. The lawyers at the firm are responsible for more than $700,000,000 in verdicts and settlements for injured victims. To learn more about these committed lawyers, please see For a free consultation, you can call 212,736.5300.

NY Daily News


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