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Month: November 2015

Motorcycle Recall

Recall of Honda GL1800 Model Motorcycles According to the Associated Press, thousands of Honda motorcycles are being recalled - 145,000 of them - because the rear brakes can drag. Type of Motorcycles Recalled · GL1800 (model years 2001-2010; 2012-2015) · GL1800A...

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Suing an employer after an accident is complicated

Imagine that you go to work one day and you suffer an injury due to something that happened while you were performing your job duties. You will almost certainly get some workers' compensation benefits as a result of this incident -- but you may also be thinking that...

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Why New York’s scaffolding law is so important

As many New Yorkers know, scaffolding has a complicated presence in our state. Now, obviously, on a literal level, scaffolding isn't that complicated. It provides necessary structure for construction workers when they are on the job. Without scaffolding, construction...

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