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Looking Back at 4 Terrible Motor Vehicle Accidents

Monday, October 23rd, 2017

Like any activity we engage in, getting behind the wheel or sitting down in the passenger seat has its risks. What starts off as a simple commute to work or trip to the store can quickly become a tragic accident that leaves people injured or worse. 

We have probably all witnessed the occasional “fender-bender” or rear-end collision, but rarely see the full scope of destruction that motor vehicle wrecks are capable of causing. To gain perspective, let’s take a look back at five of the worst auto accidents recent U.S. history. 

Weather Can Wreak Havoc 

Rain, snow, and ice often cause issues during a busy commute, but fog was the culprit on a winter day in Tennessee 27 years ago. 

On December 11, 1990, dense fog led to a 70-car pile-up. Even warning signs posted in the early stages of the fog could not prevent a half-mile of wreckage, multiple car fires, and the loss of 13 lives. 

In a bit of good news, this accident inspired government officials in Tennessee to design and implement state-of-the-art fog warning and navigation systems to lessen the risk of something this awful ever happening again. 

Thanksgiving Turns Tragic

On November, 29, 1991, holiday travels encountered dangerous winds on I-5 in California. The winds, combined with a severe drought, led to a dust storm. The end result was a 104 car pile-up that killed 17 people and left 150 severely injured.

Almost No One Was Left Unscathed

I-71 near Carrollton, Kentucky was the scene of the worst bus accident in our nation’s history. Participants in a church youth trip were on their way home from King’s Island amusement park when their bus was struck by a drunk driver who was going the wrong direction. Of the 66 passengers on the bus, 61 were injured or killed (27 died, 34 were injured). 

The Weather (and Traffic Conditions) Can Change Overnight

After a stretch of balmy weather, sub-freezing temperatures quickly moved into Virginia on February 22, 2000. A snowstorm created white-out conditions on I-95, resulting in a 117 car pile-up. Miraculously, only one person was killed in the incident while 31 more were injured in Virginia’s all-time worst car crash

Experienced Vehicle Injury Lawyers In New York City

The odds that you will ever be involved in a crash as horrific as these is extremely low. You are much more likely to be involved in a “garden-variety” car accident that does not set any records of garner widespread visibility in the media. However, those accidents are just as capable of resulting in injuries and financial hardships for you and your family. 

In such a car accident, it is crucial that you know your rights as an injury victim. The car accident attorneys at Block O’Toole & Murphy have extensive experience litigating car accident claims, including some of the largest settlements and verdicts in the history of New York State. 


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Fill out our short online contact form for a FREE, immediate case review, or call us locally at 212-736-5300 today. The lawyers in our firm work on a contingency basis, so we do not collect any money unless we win your case.