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Prevention of construction accidents demands a culture of safety

Thursday, May 11th, 2017

The construction industry in New York City and nationwide is a high-risk venture for the workers who sign up to do that kind of work. There are many hazards that excessively expose construction workers to disabling injuries and deaths. It is thus important that those companies that want to be successful in the industry will pay strong attention to protecting the safety of its workers from construction accidents.

In addition, whenever a construction accident occurs and construction workers are injured, there is a possibility that those workers may be able to sue one or more business entities to collect personal injury damages over and above their normally-prescribed workers’ compensation benefits. Those lawsuits can come back to haunt the employer’s financial prospects, which is another reason why the best companies believe in a culture of safety on the job. As workers in New York City have already made clear, it is also important for employers to provide a variety of necessary training programs to prepare workers to know and prevent some of the more typical hazards that exist.

Good safety also may reward the employer by lowering costs of doing business and saving on workers’ compensation premiums. Fines by federal and state occupational health agencies may also impact on a company’s finances and on its reputation among developers and lenders. Studies show that the most common construction accidents occur from electrocutions, falls and falling objects that hit workers.

New York City construction unions have made these principles a part of their public platforms for change in the construction industry. They have called for training to extend to non-union shops, where most mishaps occur. Importantly, when workers are injured in construction accidents, they should seek a consultation with a law firm that focuses on construction injury law. The attorney can give the injured worker or his or her family an accurate assessment of whether a recovery is possible.

Source:, “A Closer Look at Construction Site Safety Practices”, May 4, 2017


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