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Headed South? Make Sure You Are Protected

Tuesday, January 24th, 2017


As much as we enjoy all New York City has to offer, we must admit we understand if you desire to get away for a couple of months during the winter. Many of our Manhattan neighbors find places such as West Palm Beach and St. Petersburg extremely inviting this time of year. 

The most important thing you can do before you head south is make sure that you are covered in the event you are involved in an accident with a driver who lacks insurance. That way you are protected and not left to the whims of auto insurance laws in states that are less stringent than New York. 

All auto insurance policies should have uninsured and underinsured vehicle coverage. This type of protection is especially important if you are going to spend time in a state like Florida, where a larger number of drivers who lack sufficient insurance or insurance at all.

The Cost of Foregoing This Coverage

This coverage is mandatory in New York, but if you have your car in Florida for more than 90 days each year you must comply with Florida’s registration requirements. If purchasing auto insurance in Florida, you will have option to opt out of UM/UIM coverage. 

Opting out of UM/UIM may “save” you a few dollars a month. However, this coverage truly requires only that few extra dollars monthly, and it stands to help you in a big way if you are ever involved in an accident with a driver who does not have sufficient auto insurance protection. You could end up on the hook for hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills and, on top of that, have to buy another car. Bankruptcy could be one possible result; losing your home and your transportation to work could be another possible consequence.

Enjoy Your Trip and Return Home Safe

We hope you don’t encounter any difficulty while you’re away, but we hope this post helps you as you take actions to protect your safety during your trip.

If you are injured at home in the NYC area, you can rely on our attorneys at Block O’Toole & Murphy for the legal representation and peace of mind you need. 


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