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Do You Know Where Your Children Are?

Thursday, January 19th, 2017


Parents – at least the vast majority of them – care deeply about their children. Therefore, ensuring their safety and wellbeing is the most important thing in the world to them. 

Whether a parent is keeping a close eye on their child at the playground, hounding them via cell phone to make sure they aren’t up to no-good, or waiting up late for their child to arrive home from a night out with friends, parents put in the time and effort to make sure they are safe. 

Just like a financial budget is a statement of financial values, a city’s inspection budget can show what the city values.

Recent developments lead us to ask a troubling yet critical question: does New York City value the lives of construction workers? 

Yesterday, the NEW YORK DAILY NEWS reported that construction deaths and injuries are on the rise as the amount of inspections is on the decline. 

This is shameful and needs to be rectified. 

While we disagree and have made a living fighting it, we understand that developers place their financial interests at the forefront. The idea of slowing down the pace of construction to make sure that safety measures are being followed is a bitter pill to swallow. 

But we expect better from federal, state and city agencies responsible for inspecting construction sites. We are disappointed that the wellbeing of workers and their families is not being placed ahead of a desire to grease the skids for construction projects. 

A construction boom should not and does not have to mean that safety goes out the window. New York City can be expanded and revamped while providing safe workplaces for construction workers who call the area home. 

By making safety and inspections a priority, New York City can benefit economically without hurting families and leaving construction workers to bear the burden of injury. 

You can rely on the proven construction injury lawyers at Block O’Toole & Murphy if you or a loved one is hurt on a construction site. We have obtained over $1 billion in verdicts and settlements. Call 212-736-5300 for a free, no-obligation consultation. 


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