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Beware of Fake Uber Drivers

Tuesday, October 25th, 2016


There is a degree of trust that must exist with all forms of transportation.

When you hop into a vehicle that your friend is driving, you trust them to get you to your destination safely. Likewise, when you use public transportation or a taxi, you know the driver is licensed and has a stamp of approval for the government entities responsible for overseeing the industry.

Do you have the same trust when you enter an Uber? According to a recent Gothamist article you should have some doubts.

According to the article, “Uber has filed a complaint with the Port Authority after what they say is a surge in fake cabs and illegal driver activity at JFK and LaGuardia airports.”

The incidents include drivers posing as Uber drivers in order to make money taking passengers from the airport, as well as drivers posing as Uber drivers in order to bilk unsuspecting tourists out of large fares.

Not only do these fraudulent drivers pose a threat to our city’s reputation they also place the safety of their passengers, other motorists, and pedestrians at risk.

We applaud the efforts of the Port Authority and law enforcement to bring these imposters to justice. We also realize that this issue will continue for a while despite these efforts.

When people are injured in an accident involving a fraudulent Uber driver, the legal issues can be extremely complex. Unlike situations involving a licensed and permitted driver, it may not be clear who the driver is, who they are insured by (if they are insured at all) and which parties are liable for damages such as medical costs, property damage, and lost wages.

If such a tricky situation arises, it is crucial for an injury victim to have an attorney on their side who can sort through these issues and make sure they receive the financial compensation they deserve.

At Block O’Toole & Murphy we have a tremendous record of success protecting the rights of accident victims, including NYC residents and the tourists who add to the fabric of our culture.

If you are flying into JFK or LaGuardia any time soon, take the following steps to avoid a fraudulent ride:

  • Make sure the Uber’s license plate matches the plate on your app
  • Only accept a ride from an Uber or taxi that you have arranged to meet you at the base station
  • If something seems fishy, trust your gut

And, if anything goes wrong, remember that an experienced personal injury attorney is your first call to protect your interests.


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