COVID-19 Notice: Block O’Toole & Murphy has returned to full, in-person operation in accordance with safety regulations put forward by New York State and CDC health officials. Our attorneys continue to provide quality legal representation and are available to discuss your case in person, over the phone, email, or video. Read more from our partners.

“Super Lawyers” 2016: BOM Proud To Be Honored Once Again

Wednesday, October 5th, 2016

We are proud to have been recognized again by ‘Super Lawyers’, the prestigious attorney rating service that honors the top lawyers and law firms in each area of practice. This year, 9 of our lawyers – well over half of the firm – were chosen as ‘Super Lawyers’. Those selected for the 2016 honor were:

This award is reserved for only the top 5% of lawyers in the area of personal injury, and it is only bestowed after a careful selection process that involves nominations, independent research and peer evaluation by a highly credentialed panel of attorneys.

BOM received a 2-page spread in the ‘Super Lawyers’ magazine that is published annually, which features the picture below. You will see that it highlights some of BOM’s most impressive results for our injured clients over the past year, and notes that BOM earned more multi-million dollar personal injury settlements than any other law firm in the entire State of New York. The article pointed to the firm’s $32 Million verdict in Nassau County, the largest verdict of its kind in Long Island history; and our $20 Million Court of Claims verdict, the second largest award for pain and suffering in the long history of that Court.

The article also discusses the charitable work performed by our firm, including our proud support of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, The Frances Pope Memorial Foundation and Candlelighters NYC. As Mr. O’Toole rightly observed, “That’s the type of work that keeps you motivated.”

The article quotes Mr. Murphy as expressing a sentiment that sums up BOM’s attitude quite well: “Helping the hardworking people who have suffered loss is the most rewarding aspect of our practice.” Indeed, the most important function of the ‘Super Lawyers’ publication is to inform the public about the best and most qualified lawyers to hire if the need arises. When it comes to finding a lawyer after a major accident, whether construction accident, auto accident or anything else, choosing the right lawyer makes all the difference in the world.

Past results matter, and so does the character and quality of the attorneys who represent you or your loved one. We hope that individuals and families who have been impacted by serious accidents, who are reeling from their often catastrophic consequences and who need help read about our firm and call us. Our team of experienced trial lawyers can be reached anytime for a free consultation at 212-736-5300.

Our website is another way to contact us, as well as a great resource for learning more about who we are and what we do. If you hire BOM, you will be joining the ranks of our satisfied clients, for whom we have recovered nearly $1 Billion through hard fought verdicts and settlements.



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Fill out our short online contact form for a FREE, immediate case review, or call us locally at 212-736-5300 today. The lawyers in our firm work on a contingency basis, so we do not collect any money unless we win your case.