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New York In The Top Ten For Driving Selfies

Friday, August 19th, 2016


Sometimes it’s not good to be among the top 10.

Despite the fines, safety consequences and legal consequences taking cellphone pictures while driving can yield, some drivers in the state just can’t seem to resist going for the selfie when behind the wheel. In fact, a recent analysis points to New York being among the states where driving selfies are most common.

The analysis looked at a collection of tens of thousands of Instagram posts that had hashtags related to driving, to see which states had the highest rates of such posts per 100,000 residents. The analysis found New York to have the eighth highest rate in the country. New York was found to have 1.29 such posts for every 100,000 individuals in the state.

New York is among the minority of states that have a general ban on driver hand-held device use for all drivers. This ban not only covers activities like texting and talking on a hand-held device while driving, but also things like taking pictures with such a device behind the wheel.

Snapping selfies behind the wheel can cause catastrophic wrecks on our streets and highways, inflicting tremendous harm on innocent motorists, passengers, and pedestrians.

New York’s civil legal system provides opportunities for victims of selfie-taking drivers or other distracted drivers to seek injury compensation, and the aid of an experienced personal injury lawyer is invaluable for maximizing compensation for such claims.


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