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Are Livery Cabs in NYC Worth It?

Tuesday, June 7th, 2016

Sometimes being a trial lawyer requires you to question things . . . to test the validity of certain parts of the world we live in. The Trial Lawyers at Block O’Toole & Murphy are frequently weighing the value of services provided to consumers. A fatal Brooklyn crash involving a livery cab has triggered an analysis of their worth to society versus the dangers they present.

On Monday, June 6, 2016, an accident involving a livery cab took the life of Yuenei Wu, of Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn. Ms. Yu was inside the crosswalk when a black Chevy SUV livery cab made a left turn onto Eighth Avenue from West 38th Street, slamming into her. Onlookers were mortified as they watched the accident transpire. One witness stated that he observed the SUV hit Ms. Yu and run her completely over. Reports state that approximately ten good samaritans rushed over and physically lifted the SUV off of Ms. Yu. Ms. Yu passed away at the scene, inside the arms of a man who was attempting to revive her. Her loss is both tragic and senseless.


It would be nearly impossible not to notice the exponential increase in livery cab drivers in New York City over the past few years. Transportation companies like Uber, Lyft, Via, and others have been taking over the New York City roadways. Indeed, it has been reported that livery cabs now outnumber yellow cabs. But is the massive increase of livery cabs a good thing or a bad thing for the City? While some applaud the ease and cost effectiveness of livery cabs, other have noticed an increase in automobile crashes involving livery cabs. Is the price we pay worth it?

The trial lawyers of Block O’Toole and Murphy have a long history of representing innocent pedestrians who are injured by the reckless and careless conduct of drivers (including livery cab drivers) in the New York City area.

To see the firm’s results, Nearly One-Billion Dollars in Verdicts and Settlements, click here.

While you cannot always prevent a crash, it is important that you know your rights as a pedestrian, including 6 Things to do after a Car Crash in NY. Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1151(a) states “the driver of a vehicle shall yield the right of way, slowing down or stopping if need be to so yield, to a pedestrian crossing the roadway within a crosswalk on the roadway upon which the vehicle is traveling.” Accordingly, under the law, vehicles like the livery cab that struck Ms. Yu must take reasonable care as to avoid striking pedestrians lawfully in the crosswalk. In the scenario described above, the driver of the livery cab may be held responsible for Ms. Yu’s pain and suffering, and, potentially, damages sustained by Ms. Yu’s spouse and/or children.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the loved ones of Ms. Yu, especially her family. May they summon the strength to move forward.

If you or a loved one has been injured in an automobile accident, contact the experienced trial lawyers of Block O’Toole & Murphy immediately for a free consultation at 212-736-5300.


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