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When Injuries Go Beyond Physical

Monday, March 28th, 2016

In a recent interview with Rolling Stone, Tracy Morgan spoke about how difficult the recovery process was after a 2014 bus accident that left him severely injured and took the life of his mentor, James McNair.

“My thoughts -I was in a very dark place. I was sitting right here, contemplating suicide. I couldn’t walk.”

Tracy Morgan’s candid reflection on the difficulties of recovering after a motor vehicle accident are an important reminder about the struggles catastrophic injury victims face.

The pain and anguish often goes well beyond the physical, leaving people with emotional scars and psychological struggles. The recovery process can be extremely difficult, testing the mettle of injury victims, their families, and their friends.

At Block O’Toole & Murphy, we focus on making the recovery process as simple and painless as possible. It will be difficult, but we make sure our clients have access to the medical treatment, counseling and other services they need to maintain the highest quality of life possible.

We know the games the insurance company will attempt to play; you can rely on us to level the playing field and make sure you get the financial resources you need for medical expenses, pain and suffering, home renovations, lost earnings, and more.


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Fill out our short online contact form for a FREE, immediate case review, or call us locally at 212-736-5300 today. The lawyers in our firm work on a contingency basis, so we do not collect any money unless we win your case.