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Month: July 2015

Why Use Experts in a Personal Injury Trial?

Five reasons expert witnesses can make a difference If a personal injury case goes to trial, the cost of experts will almost certainly be part of the expenses of the case. There are many reasons that PI attorneys use expert witnesses in trials, and they are almost...

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What Are Contingency Fees in Personal injury Cases?

According to the New York City Bar Association, a contingency fee is only paid to an attorney when a case is won. This is the kind of fee charged by most personal injury lawyers in New York. It means that if you lose your case, you will owe no attorney's fee....

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Seriously? A Cell-Phone Case That Looks Like a Gun?

It doesn't take a genius to recognize a really bad idea. As a voice for consumers, Block O'Toole & Murphy frequently has an opportunity to speak out on social issues that potentially impact innocent people. This brief piece is one of those occasions. The focus: a...

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Are Free Consultations Really Free?

Many people are reluctant to consult an attorney after being injured in an accident because of the negligence of another person. They think that the insurance company will take care of their expenses. They may feel awkward about suing someone or believe that they...

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Ladder Accidents Both Common and Expensive, Part 2

Our previous post discussed the frequency and causes of ladder accidents. This post continues the theme, listing tips that government and private organizations offer to ensure safe use of ladders at home and on the job. Ladder safety information can be found at: The...

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