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Fatal Pedestrian Accidents Could Be Reduced Through Ad Campaign

Tuesday, May 5th, 2015

Deadly collisions involving pedestrians remain a primary concern in New York City’s ‘Vision Zero’ efforts. A new television campaign set to begin showing this week hammers home the point. The commercial is a haunting reminder of the consequences of reckless driving and how peoples’ lives can be forever changed by a deadly pedestrian accident.

The 30-second commercial, titled “Racer”, uses the phrase “Your Choices Matter” as a lead-in to a dark yet informative segment to promote safe driving. The commercial shows a smiling young boy getting on his bike at the exact time that a driver is speeding down the same road. The driver, not surprisingly, is distracted. He is fiddling with his radio as he is speeding down the road, leading him to drive straight through a red light as the young boy and his mother are crossing the intersection.

Devastation awaits. The drama builds as the screen goes black and a screeching, crashing noise plays. Next, a loud siren can be heard in the background and the image of a broken bike and spinning wheels is splashed across the screen. The commercial concludes with the following message “He wasn’t racing. The driver was. Slow down. Your choices matter.” Indeed they do.

The commercial is set to air for the first time this week and can be seen on many major local stations. It is being promoted as part of New York City Mayor Bill de bBlasio’s ‘Vision Zero’ campaign. The campaign hopes to reduce pedestrian fatalities and increase safety for everyone on our streets. The hope is that these advertisements will educate the public and make people think about their choices on the road.

If successful, drivers will hesitate and think before making serious decisions that could lead to a tragic collision. It will also remind pedestrians that they need to be vigilant and constantly worry about safety. The television commercials are not the only method of bringing awareness to this issue. The Department of Transportation will also air radio and online advertisements as well as taking space in some local newspapers. The focus will be to continue educating people that decisions made when behind the wheel of an automobile have very serious consequences.

The NYC law firm of Block O’Toole & Murphy has been the voice for injured pedestrians for many decades. The attorneys at this firm have recorded some of the largest verdicts and settlements in the entire state for injured pedestrians, including a $32,756,156 Verdict, a $15,500,000 Settlement, a $12,000,000 Settlement and a $8,800,000 Settlement. You can learn more about this law firm by reviewing their website at You may also call them at 212-736-5300.



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