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Brooklyn Trench Collapse Buries Construction Worker

Monday, May 4th, 2015

Construction Accident Seriously Injures Worker at 1705 Dean Street in Crown Heights

A construction worker was seriously injured while working in Brooklyn. The worker was buried after a trench collapsed on him during construction of a 5 story apartment building at 1705 Dean Street in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn. Empire D. Construction was the general contractor on the job responsible for safety.

Fire Department officials revealed that the trench actually collapsed on the unwary victim, burying him up to his waist. The worker remained conscious the entire time. Remaining aware of the situation had to make it even more daunting for him. The worker was rescued after the trench was secured enough so that emergency responders could enter the trench and extricate him. They used plywood from the construction site to strengthen the integrity of the trench before they attempted the rescue effort.

The unidentified worker was removed from the rubble and brought to Kings County Hospital. His condition is guarded with officials revealing that he has serious non-life-threatening injuries. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the injured worker and his loved ones.

Trench work is dangerous and is always important to make sure that the structural integrity of the trench remains strong when workers are inside of and/or working adjacent to a trench. Workers need to be properly trained on how to secure a trench and how to be safe when working in and around a trench. Because a trench accident is rarely minor, educating workers about trench safety is truly a matter of life and death.

Block O’Toole & Murphy is a law firm committed to helping construction workers. We vigorously fight to protect and promote the laws that keep construction workers safe. Our track record of helping injured workers and their families in times of need is second to none. You can learn more about this firm by reviewing their website at



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