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Month: March 2015

Truck Side Guards Can Prevent Pedestrian Deaths in NYC

Read the most recent article on our website about a pilot program to install side guards on city-owned trucks in New York City. Side guards prevent people hit by a truck from falling under the rear wheels and being crushed. This approach has greatly reduced pedestrian...

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California Train Accident

This blog has reported frequently on the problems that Metro North, the New York City commuter train line that runs north into Westchester, Putnam and Dutchess Counties and Connecticut. However, New York is not the only city that experiences commuter rail accidents....

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Toni Jackson Killed On the Job by Faulty Hoist

31 year-old New York City Housing Authority maintenance worker Toni Jackson was killed Saturday March 7, 2015, in Brooklyn, New York.Jackson was found unconscious next to the trash compactor in the basement of a West 32nd Street building - part of the Coney Island...

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New York City Motor Vehicle Accidents Statistics: 2013

The most recent crash data available from the State of New York for New York City is from 2013, released in September of 2014. The statistics create a picture of motor vehicle accidents, injuries and deaths on the streets of New York. In addition to reporting the...

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OSHA Issues Citations for Workplace Safety Violations

Employers have an obligation to provide safe workplaces. This includes making sure that in the event of a fire or other emergency, workers have a clear path to an exit that allows them to evacuate a building quickly and safely. The pharmacy giant Duane Reade was cited...

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Window Washer Plunges to his Death in Tribeca

A window washer who was working 5 stories above the street in the Tribeca section of Manhattan was killed today. He plunged to his death while attempting to wash the windows of an upscale apartment building. The worker was not wearing a fall protection device at the...

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Fatal Car Accidents Caused by Drunk Wrong Way Drivers

The tragic death of a New York City detective killed on the Sprain Brook Parkway in Westchester illustrates how driving drunk can cause horrific accidents. The detective, who was planning to retire later this year, leaves behind a wife and 13-year old daughter. The...

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