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Are Construction Site Safety and Corruption Monitors Up to Task As New York Continues Building Explosion?

Friday, January 9th, 2015

The construction industry has had its fair share of safety and corruption scandals. We have witnessed over and over how worker safety is trampled on. We have also seen, whether in person, in a movie or on a television show like the Sopranos, that corruption can be a pivotal force in the construction industry. As a result of both the reality and the perception, companies were hired to monitor the safety practices at construction sites as well as to ensure that corruption practices were no longer in place. These monitors began in the 1980s after a series of embarrassing stories emerged about corruption being rampant at both union and nonunion jobs. The intention was to bring integrity to the undertaking. Now, construction has reached an all-time high and the expectation is that it will continue to grow in the upcoming years. The greater volume of work makes oversight a much more challenging proposition. As the industry changes will the ability to monitor it change?

The attorneys at Block O’Toole & Murphy ask the question now:

How will these monitors fare as the amount of construction in New York escalates too unprecedented levels? The answer remains to be seen.

Public pressure must be exerted to increase the focus levied by these companies who are hired to monitor construction work. It is more important than ever that sound safety practices be adhered to and that corruption continues to be ushered away. Below is a link written this week about the current tenuous system of monitors. If nothing else, it is a very interesting read and we encourage you to take the time to review it. Worker safety and opportunities for hard-working women and men has never been more important.



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