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Tragic Workplace Accident Kills New York City Sanitation Worker Stephen Frosch

Wednesday, June 25th, 2014

The work accident lawyers at Block O’Toole & Murphy are following a tragic workplace accident in which a hard-working 43 year-old family man was killed.

Stephen Frosch, a 43 year-old sanitation worker, died in a horrible workplace fatality over the weekend. According to police reports, Frosch was struck and pinned by another street sweeper that was being operated by a co-worker. At the time of this grueling accident, Frosch was working on the street sweeper assigned to him at a Department of Sanitation garage in Queens. Reports indicate that the co-worker who struck Frosch did not see him. The horrific accident unfolded as co-workers watched nearby. Emergency personnel raced to the scene to try to administer medical aid to the victim but they were unable to save him. Stephen Frosch was pronounced dead at the scene.

Frosch resided in Garden City South, a Long Island suburb. He was married and had four children. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and those that loved him as they cope with this senseless loss.

When people consider which city jobs are more dangerous than others, they frequently focus on the jobs of cops and firemen. Both are, without question, dangerous vocations. Many, however, ignore the perils associated with sanitation work. It is far more dangerous than people think. We know the dangers of this work, as our firm has represented many sanitation workers who have been involved in serious workplace accidents. Stephen Frosch was a 15 year veteran of the Sanitation Department. Prior to that, he was with the New York City Police Department. TheNew York Daily News is reporting that Frosch left the police department because he wanted a safer job that afforded him better opportunities to spend time with his family. He too considered the dangers and thought the sanitation job was a better option for his life. Still, this hard-working family man was brutally pinned while performing maintenance work at the Queens garage where he worked. It is another accident that underscores the importance of worker safety and the laws associated with providing a safe place for people to come to work.

An investigation of this accident is underway. Investigators hope to determine the cause of this terrible accident and how it could have been prevented. A great deal will be learned from interviews of the driver and eyewitnesses. Interviews will also focus on the internal rules and regulations of the Sanitation Department to make sure they were adhered to. Lastly, they will evaluate the street sweeper being driven by the co-worker to see if it played a role in the accident, The answers will be important but will provide little consolation to Frosch’s family and loved ones. They will need to summon an enormous amount of strength to help them persevere through this very challenging period. We hope they get all the support they need.

Block O’Toole & Murphy is a law firm that has represented seriously injured victims for decades. The trial lawyers at the firm have resolved more million dollar and multi-million dollar cases in both 2012 and 2013 than any other law firm in New York State. They have recovered nearly $800,000,000 in verdicts and settlements for their injured clients. You can learn more about these lawyers at


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