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Construction Site Accidents: The Leading Cause of Work-related Injuries

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2014

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The New York lawyers at Block O’Toole & Murphy are constantly looking to bring our followers relevant information about worker safety and construction-related accidents. Below, we provide some revealing statistics and brief analysis. We hope you enjoy.

Construction workers build our roads, homes, workplaces, and maintain our nation’s infrastructures. Construction work remains, perhaps, the most dangerous occupation in the United States. Construction workers face daily risks working in high places, around heavy construction equipment, toxic chemicals and other construction related hazards. The National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH) provides national and world leadership in trying to prevent work-related accidents, illness, injury, disability, and death by systematically gathering information, conducting targeted research and translating that knowledge into products and services tailored to address construction needs. Why should you care?

As per NIOSH statistics, in 2010 alone:

  • There were 774 fatal on-the-job injuries to workers in the construction industry, more than any other industry sector.
  • Construction accident fatalities totaled 17% of all work related deaths in the country.

774 fatalities in a year is a staggering number. That means there are more than 2 construction deaths every day in our country; or well over three per day in a normal 5 day work week. To put that figure in context, the FBI reported that in 2011, 72 law enforcement officers from around the nation were killed in the line of duty. 774 to 72.

The numbers tell us there were than ten times the number of construction related fatalities than there were police officer line of duty deaths in the United States. The number of construction fatalities fails to even consider the very serious injuries sustained by construction workers that dramatically alter the lives of the victims and their families.

Due to the inherent risks of construction work, everyone must be remain vigilant when it comes to worker safety. Appropriate safety equipment, sound training and adequate planning are all absolute musts when it comes to worker safety. Often times workers are placed in a position of danger without the necessary protection equipment or with tools and equipment that are damaged or inadequate for the task at hand. Failure to have the necessary safety precautions in place can result in serious injuries or death.

Block O’Toole & Murphy is a law firm that prides itself on fighting for injured construction workers. Our courtroom victories on behalf of injured workers evidences a commitment to fighting for the underdog. The lawyers at Block O’Toole & Murphy have recovered more than $750,000,000 in verdicts and settlements on behalf of their clients. You can learn more about these experienced and talented lawyers by reviewing the firm website For a free consultation, you may contact them at 212-736-5300.



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