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April is ‘Distracted Driving Month’-Why Everyone Should Be Paying Attention

Saturday, April 12th, 2014

The New York personal injury attorneys at Block O’Toole & Murphy have been talking about distracted driving for a long time. It goes without saying that texting and cell phone use behind the wheel significantly increases a driver’s risk of crashing. One momentary lapse in judgment can shape the rest of your life or the life of another wholly innocent person. It isn’t worth it and it can wait.

We have some important allies in this public safety campaign to eliminate distracted driving. The National Transportation Board and the U.S. Government are wheeling out a serious public relations and social media campaign to heighten the awareness about the dangers of distracted driving. There are some staggering facts that will certainly make you take notice.

Distracted driving is a serious epidemic on American roads. For instance, in 2012, 3,328 people were killed as a result of distracted driving. Keep in mind, that figure fails to include the number of people that suffered serious injuries because of distracted driving. Is this campaign necessary? I mean, don’t people understand that distracted driving is akin to turning your vehicle into a deadly weapon? Perhaps many folks do grasp this. However, 71% of teens and young people say they have engaged in some form of distracted driving according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. You can be totally alert and aware and if another motorist is too busy texting it could change the course of your life and the lives of your loved ones. Now is the time to speak up!

So, how is the message being delivered? The United States Department of Transportation is urging states to enact tougher laws, making the punishment for distracted driving more severe with the hope that this will reduce people’s appetite to engage in this reckless behavior. They have also banned texting and cell phone use for commercial drivers. Still, did you know that only 12 states have banned cell phone use for a driver while operating a motor vehicle? Also, 7 states still permit texting while driving? While the legal consequences vary from state to state, the devastation that distracted driving can cause knows no boundaries. It’s reach extends to all states, cities and towns. It is an ‘everywhere, every person’ problem.

‘Distracted Driving Month’ is a call to arms. The DOT is hoping that its message will continue to be filtered out by other members of the public. They are seeking the support of people all over the country – – students, parents, educators and employers to make a pledge to eliminate distracted driving, while imploring others to join the crusade. This cause, if embraced, will save lives and curtail the number of life altering, catastrophic accidents.

The New York lawyers at Block O’Toole & Murphy urge you to align yourself with this worthy campaign. We have seen how a distracted driver can cripple the life of another individual as well as destroy entire families. Our lawyers have represented people involved in devastating motor vehicle collisions, like a $32,756,156 verdict, a $22,500,000 settlement and a $12,000,000 settlement. Our team of experienced lawyers have amassed more than $750,000,000 in verdicts and settlements for our seriously injured clients. You can learn more about Block O’Toole & Murphy by reviewing the firm website at For a free consultation, you may call anytime at 212-736-5300.



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