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Gedalia Gruntzweig, 25-Year-Old Student, Killed By New York City Sanitation Truck

Monday, February 24th, 2014

New York City trial lawyers Block O’Toole & Murphy, LLP are following the tragic death of Gedalia Gruntzweig, a 25 year old rabbinical student who was run over and killed by a New York City garbage truck on Sunday morning just after 9 a.m. at the intersection of Kingston Avenue and Carroll Street in the Crown Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn. A witness to this pedestrian accident reportedly said that the truck driver was turning right onto Carroll Street when it struck the student, who was visiting New York to attend a pre-wedding party for his friend. Mr. Gruntzweig was originally from Ukraine, and was studying to become a rabbi at Tiferes Bachurim, a Yeshiva in Morristown, New Jersey. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all who are mourning this young man’s sad and untimely death.

The investigation into how and why this tragedy occurred is under way, and police have reportedly said that cars driving on Kingston Avenue indicated that Mr. Gruntzweig had the right of way. The NYC Department of Sanitation released a statement saying that it will work with the NYPD in their investigation. We hope that the investigation is thorough and fully analyzes the conduct of this Sanitation truck operator, whose name is reportedly Marlon Martinez. We also hope that the family and friends of this victim are able to receive some measure of justice for their horrible loss.

In our experience as lawyers representing those who have been killed or seriously injured in pedestrian accidents, a turning vehicle such as this Sanitation truck is usually required to yield the right of way to pedestrians. We have also seen many occasions when New York City accidents occur because truck drivers simply are not paying proper attention to their surroundings. Whatever the investigation into this incident reveals, we will continue to follow this story and keep all those who knew and loved this aspiring rabbi in our thoughts and prayers.

Block O’Toole & Murphy is one of New York’s premier personal injury law firms. The firm represents those killed or seriously injured in pedestrian accidents, car accidents, truck accidents, construction accidents, and by acts of medical malpractice and general negligence. Through decades of hard fought top verdicts and settlements, the firm has recovered well over $700 Million for their clients; and had more multi-million dollar case results than any firm in New York State in the years 2012 and 2013, according to The New York Law Journal and New York Magazine.

For a free consultation with these experienced trial lawyers, call 212-736-5300 or visit their website at



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