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RR Seeks to Prevent Train Accidents at Railroad Crossings with Ad

Wednesday, September 18th, 2013

The experienced lawyers at Block O’Toole & Murphy want you to watch the new advertisement from the Long Island Railroad that is promoting safety at railroad crossings and reducing train accidents.

The ad, called “Wait for the Gate”, is a graphic illustration of the life-or-death decision that drivers face every day. People habitually decide to maneuver around the lowered crossing gate to cross the tracks, gambling that they can beat the train. Too many, as evidenced by the recent spike in deaths at crossings in 2012, are gambling and losing. In 2011, there were two crossing related deaths. Alarmingly, in 2012, there were 11 crossing related deaths, a massive increase. In 2013, there have already been nine incidents and 6 deaths at railroad crossings. The figures are staggering.

It does not take much to conjure what will happen when a train hits a car. The train, a massive weapon, may be reaching speeds of 80 mph while the car is usually still or moving at a much slower speed. The potential collision will leave an imprint on anyone who sees one. If there is any doubt about the severity of the impact, the video will erase it.

Railroad crossing accidents are usually the result of a poor driver decision. However, sometimes the engineer or train operator is at fault. Experienced LIRR Accident Attorney Stephen J. Murphy, from the law firm of Block O’Toole & Murphy, hopes the video hits home with viewers, “I’m not in advertising. I’m a consumer like most people, but I have handled train crossing cases and I understand the devastating impact the collision has on the people involved as well as their friends and family. This video captures it in a few seconds. Nothing is so important that you can’t wait for the gate.” Let’s hope the LIRR campaign checks off the intended boxes and reduces the incidents at railroad crossings. “If it saves one life it will be worth it,” Murphy added.

If you or a loved one have been seriously injured in a railroad crossing, you should strongly consider consulting with an experienced railroad accident lawyer. The trial lawyers at Block O’Toole & Murphy have more than $700,000,000 in verdicts and settlements for their injured clients, including a $3,925,000 victory for a man that was injured at a railroad crossing. To learn more about the firm, you should review the firm website at For a free consultation, please call us at 212-736-5300.

Source: CBS Local


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