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Article Examines Impact of NYC Bicycling Boom on Safety

Friday, September 20th, 2013

The serious personal injury Lawyers at Block O’Toole & Murphy have chronicled New York’s bike craze and questioned whether the increase in biking would impact the safety of New Yorkers. The ‘Citi Bike’ innovation has only increased the number of bike riders in the city and spurred on further speculation: Do more bicycle riders mean more bicycle related accidents? The link below to an article published in the New York Daily News examines this very issue. Not surprisingly, there is no concensus.

Some argue that having more bicycle riders on the streets, particularly riders with less experience, will caudse more accidents and injuries. While residents like the convenience of the available bikes, they are concerned about the safety of this program for riders and pedestrians. These are fair points and justified concerns.

Others, however, suggest that safety may actually improve because as we all grow more accustomed to bicycles regularly being used on our roads, we will all operate in a safer, more aware manner. Maybe. They also claim that more bikes means fewer cars and point out that this should improve safety as well. Perhaps there is some merit to this point as well.

We suggest that you give the article a read. Bicycle accidents are undeniably dangerous. Serious injury or even death may result from a bicycle accident. We have a responsibility to educate ourselves on this issue so we can best protect our children and avoid senseless tragedies. Whichever side of the debate you fall on, the bicycle phenomena is not going away anytime soon. We all need to adjust our behavior to make sure the streets are safe for drivers, bicycle riders and pedestrians alike. Let us know what you think . . .

The trial attorneys at Block O’Toole & Murphy have been representing victims of serious accidents for decades. They are a team of trial lawyers that have shown time and time again that they are willing to fight on behalf of the underdog, on behalf of real victims. Their results include more than $700,000,000 in verdicts and settlements. You can learn more about them at and are welcome to call them at 212-736-5300 for a free consultation.

Source: NY Daily News


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