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Construction Site Fall Protection: What is the Right Equipment?

Thursday, July 11th, 2013

Construction workers labor under dangerous conditions every day and falls at construction sites still loom as the most dangerous component of their job. According to OSHA, falls from heights at construction sites account for more than one-third of the reported job related injuries in the United States. Safety advocates and workers unions consistently and forcefully lament that injuries are largely preventable – – and they are right. But, how can construction site falls be prevented? There is no single way to answer that question. Of course, training is important, as is preparation for any task at a construction site. One area often discussed but rarely explained is the obligation of employers, contractors and developers to provide the hard-working women and men with the right equipment to prevent worksite falls. The construction accident attorneys at Block O’Toole & Murphy will briefly outline some important points to remember in an effort to reduce construction site falls.

Construction workers who are elevated six feet or more above a surface are at risk for serious injury or death if they should fall. We read and hear about these falls every day. To protect workers that are performing their responsibilities at heights, employers must provide fall protection and the right equipment for the job. Fall protection includes the right kinds of ladders, scaffolds, and safety gear.

Not every ladder and scaffold is the same. Different ladders and scaffolds are appropriate for different jobs. The law in New York requires that employers, contractors and developers provide workers with the type of ladder or scaffold that they need to get the job done safely. What about a roofer? Roofers are almost always working at great heights, but a ladder or scaffold doesn’t always do the trick for someone on a roof. If roof workers are provided an appropriate harness with an anchor to tie off on, many roof related falls will be avoided. Sadly, these simple safety measures are far too often ignored.

The construction accident attorneys at Block O’Toole & Murphy have a long and proud history of fighting on behalf of injured construction workers. Many of the firm’s attorneys are on the New York State Trial Lawyers Association committee to protect construction workers and preserve the laws that promote worker safety. The firm’s verdicts and settlements exceed $700,000,000. If you would like to learn more about these construction accident lawyers, please see the firm website at For a free consultation, you can call 212-736-5300.

For more on the laws that protect construction workers, watch this video.


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