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Horrific New York Trucking Accident Results in Death of Seven

Friday, May 31st, 2013

Four children under the age of 10 die in tractor trailer accident upstate

New Yorkers awoke Thursday morning to the horrifying news that seven people, including 4 children under the age of 10, were tragically killed in a trucking accident involving a tractor trailer in upstate New York, in the rural town of Truxton, Cortland County.

A preliminary investigation as to the cause of the accident points to equipment failure, with indications that the trailer became detached from the tractor and struck a minivan, tearing it in half and killing all seven occupants. In addition to the 4 children, three young adults in the minivan, all in their 20’s, were killed.

Unfortunately, news of these tragic trucking accidents have become all too frequent on New York roadways. Time and time again, we are confronted with large tractor trailer collisions that result in catastrophic injuries and even death. Data from The United States Department of Transportation reveals that there are over 500,000 accidents involving tractor trailers in the United States every year.

Given that these trucks, together with cargo, can weigh up to 80,000 pounds, it is not surprising that accidents involving tractor trailers frequently have devastating consequences. The questions is, what can be done to prevent these accidents?

Proper training of tractor trailer operators, mandating that drivers get sufficient rest and ensuring that equipment is properly maintained are basic steps that must be taken to minimize trucking accidents and protect our citizens.

Block O’Toole & Murphy is a truck accident law firm that has a vast amount of experience in handling tractor trailer accidents. The tractor trailer collision lawyers at Block O’Toole & Murphy understand the complex issues that arise in these types of cases and have the skills to investigate the cause of such accidents. We have a proud tradition of obtaining significant verdicts and settlements for those injured or killed in tractor trailer collisions.

If you or a loved one has been in a tractor trailer collision, please feel free to contact the truck accident lawyers at Block O’Toole & Murphy for a free consultation at 212-736-5300, or visit our website.

Source: New York Daily News, “Runaway trailer hits minivan, killing 4 kids, 3 adults in horrific upstate New York crash,” May 30,2013.


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