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Traumatic Brain Injury: What Victims Need to Know

Thursday, March 28th, 2013

Victims suffering from traumatic brain injuries are often left confused, with a feeling of helplessness and many unanswered questions. Block O’Toole & Murphy, a firm comprised of highly accomplished New York traumatic brain injury lawyers, offers some help for victims of brain injuries.

There are many instances where the onset of a traumatic brain injury is obvious. The victim could be a painter who falls off a ladder, or an asbestos removal worker who falls from a scaffold, or a driver or pedestrian involved in a high speed collision. The victim may be rendered unconscious and undergo emergency surgery. In a dire situation such as this, the onset of the brain injury is apparent. However, there are often times where the initial signs are more subtle and more difficult to diagnose.

If an initial CAT scan or MRI of the brain does not show intracranial bleeding, patients are often released with instruction to follow up with a primary physician if they suffer ongoing symptoms. These symptoms may include dizziness, nausea, loss of sense of taste or smell, frequent headaches, difficulty with speech and forgetfulness. If the victim does not have a loved one nearby, these symptoms may go undetected and the individual may not receive proper treatment. The condition may worsen if untreated.

Equally prevalent in brain injuries are psychological symptoms such as irritability, profound sadness, erratic behavior, nightmares and flashback to the traumatic event. It is crucial for an individual’s proper medical care and also for the handling of a lawsuit that the traumatic event be linked to the symptoms the victim is suffering.

Diagnosis and treatment of traumatic brain injury can be extremely challenging. Recovery can be slow and often times victims need to relearn the most rudimentary of skills – like speech, driving, and simple daily activities like dressing and feeding themselves. The strain on loved ones can be tremendous.

Having doctors and lawyers who understand the effects of a traumatic brain injury on a victim and a victim’s family makes all the difference in the outcome. Support and experience are crucial. Block O’Toole & Murphy LLP is proud to have a long history of not only receiving record setting awards in brain injury cases, but more importantly playing a vital supportive role to the victim’s families. Please take the time to review some of the very significant results the firm has received in traumatic brain injury cases. If you or a loved on has suffered a traumatic accident and may have suffered a brain injury, please seek competent medical care as soon as possible, and please feel free to contact us at 212-736-5300. If you would like to learn more about our firm, you may consult our website at

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$5,500,000 for an Electrician that Fell from Ladder and Sustained head Injury

More information about brain injuries:


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