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Year: 2012

NYC could see a rise in construction site injuries in 2013

In recent years the construction industry, like so many other markets, has been depressed. However, many are speculating that in the wake of Sandy, there will be a surge in construction work occurring in New York City beginning in the first few months of 2013.However,...

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10 shocking, but common, medical errors

Any medical mistake can result in serious injury or fatality. Every day, hospitals, doctors and nurses must follow protocols and established standards of care to avoid the mistakes than can harm patients. To this end, hospitals are responsible for implementing...

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Study: surgical residents less tired, less prepared

Orthopedic surgeons-in-training face many challenges when trying to gain the on-the-job skills necessary to become an orthopedic surgeon. Rules limiting the number of hours surgeons-in-training can work per week were designed to reduce their fatigue and resulting...

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Meningitis and the complexity of medical malpractice claims

There have been 23 deaths and 300 infections in the recent meningitis outbreak. Public health authorities estimate that 14,000 have been exposed to the steroids that were used as pain medications. The victims and families of the deadly meningitis outbreak have begun...

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